Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that seeks to create harmony between an individual and their environment. The word "feng shui" literally means "wind-water". This refers to the belief that the flow of energy (chi) is influenced by the natural forces of wind and water. Feng shui practitioners believe that by carefully arranging the furniture, objects, and colors in a space, they can create a flow of chi that is beneficial to the people who live or work there.
While Im not a expert there are a few key aspects I take seriously - the Bagua, the Command Position, and Color.
Today, let's explore color: the colors used in your space - and on your body(!!) can affect the flow of chi, so by choosing the right colors, you can create a more harmonious and balanced environment. Here is a list of colors and their associated meanings:
Red Red is associated with the fire element. It’s very stimulating, so it’s not the best choice if you want to create a relaxing environment. It evokes passion and inspiration, and can increase your visibility. Because it’s so intense, a little red goes a long way!
Pink Pink has a soft, romantic, feminine energy. It helps to attract love, romance, and friendship. Because of this, pink is a great color to use in bedrooms--try using it in accessories or a soft pink for your sheets.
Yellows and Browns These colors are associated with the earth element-- like fertile soil. Like the earth, these colors provide a grounding energy and are especially supportive in creating stability and security.
Green Green represents the wood element, as well as new growth and creative energy. It is soothing, like plants in the natural world. Houseplants are a great way to bring the color green into your home, but if you don’t have a green thumb, decorating with green paint or artwork also works well.
Blue In feng shui, mid-tone blues and teals are connected to the wood element, while deeper navy blues are connected to water. Like green, blue is healing and tranquil. This makes it a great choice for spaces where you like to relax or meditate.
Purple Purple is related to prosperity and abundance. It’s a great color to use in areas where you would like to invite contemplation. Amethyst crystals are a great way to include the color purple in your environment.
Black Black represents the water element and wisdom. It is the most yin color. Because too much black can be overpowering, try incorporating it in smaller doses, like a black picture frame or chair.
Grey Grey is a very peaceful and soothing color because it is a balance of black (yin) and white (yang). Grey is a great neutral hue to use in most spaces to support the intention of other colors.
White White represents the metal element and yang, or active, energy. White can be cold and harsh when used in excess, but can be a helpful element to incorporate when we want a blank slate, or more communication and productivity.
With the right color choices you can attract in the correct energy as well as balance the environment you're in. Just try wearing some red or white, and take notice of how you feel or how your day unfolds.
Enjoy the journey!
This post was written with the help of information from Bard and the Mindful Design Feng Shui School.