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Awakening Others to Consciousness

10 ways you can help the people in your life see a living example of consciousness

1. Live by your values; don't hide -- express yourself and embrace life without reservation.

2. Communicate your views casually and in a non dogmatic manner. Allow the people you speak with to ask questions. Offer only as much information as they are ready to hear.

3. Give a gift. A favorite book, a medicine bag, or a beautiful gemstone can pique your loved ones' curiosity and prompt them to begin an exploration of the soul.

4. Teach a friend, relative, or colleague to meditate or chant can put them on the path to consciousness while simultaneously reducing their stress levels.

5. Start a discussion group and reach out to individuals that are eager to learn.

6. By recognizing and acknowledge the inherent value in everyone you encounter, you can teach them how to value others.

7. Invite people from your life to join you in attending a ceremony or ritual. The experience may touch them in a profound way or introduce them to a new path.

8. Casually point out the interconnectedness of all living beings using concrete, everyday examples. Many people are unaware of how their actions affect the world and are intrigued when they learn of the power they hold.

9. Introduce your loved ones to conscious living by serving delicious organic recipes at gatherings and show them how wonderful it can feel to be truly aware and connected to the universe.

10. Share your experiences - ways in which spiritual practice has helped you, supported you during times of difficulty and what you've learned about yourself. This journey is personal and the more real you can be the more powerful your transmission.

Inspired by DailyOm


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